18 April 2020

According to the Quran, why do we have to fast?

According to the Quran there are two reasons why Muslims fast.
27 March 2020

Taqwa: The only virtue by Allah

Taqwa means sensitivity, responsibility (muttaqi).
26 March 2020

Does Islam say anything about environmental protection?

Islam is a religion which mentions environmental protection.
13 March 2020

Is Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) still alive?

According to the Quran, the Messenger of God is not alive.
03 March 2020

Humans are not the most honored/honoured beings!

Humans are not the highest beings!
01 March 2020

The Quran doesn’t allow killing apostates (riddah, abandonment of Islam).

The Quran definitely doesn't allow killing apostates. 
08 February 2020

Which of you is Muhammad?

Someone who came from outside to the Masjid an Nabi, couldn't identify Rasulullah, who was one of the community.
28 January 2020

Are the Prophets innocent / infallible?

The Nabis are humans like us. A person with an innocent / infallible attribute couldn’t be an example for us.
05 January 2020

According to the Quran, the sound of women’s voices in the presence of men is not forbidden

The voice of women is, according to the Quran, not forbidden.