23 April 2022

According to the Quran, a woman who is menstruating should fast and pray!

The only prohibition regarding menstruating women in the Quran is sexual intercourse..
22 April 2022

The Quran Never Approves Female Circumcision/Genital Mutilation (FGM)

The Quran does not demand circumcision (khitan).
15 April 2022

To follow the Messenger means to follow only the revelations (wahy)

When we follow the messenger, we will be following the revelation that he followed step by step.
26 March 2022

The Ahadith about al-ʿAshara al-Mubashshara are in contradiction with the Quran!

However, when we look at the Quran, it is not possible for such a thing to happen.
18 March 2022

Did Davud/David (as) covet the wife of a soldier under his command?

The source of this claim is the Old Testament, not the Quran.
10 March 2022

Loving a person or something like worshiping, is shirk (associating partners to Allah)

At the centre and in the first place of our lives should always be the Allah. Allah should not be pushed into second place.
01 February 2022

Do We Have to Obey Every Word of Muhammad (as)?

According to the Quran we have an obligation to obey only the commands that Muhammad (as) conveyed as a Rasul/messenger, not every word.
25 January 2022

Quran Pyramid (Content of the Quran)

12 January 2022

The Quran Never Allows Honor/Honour Killings!

If a woman has betrayed her husband by committing adultery, what can be done is to divorce her. Because the Qur’an does not in any way allow the murder of a woman who commits immorality and cheats on her husband