“Does God lead whoever He wants to be disorientated?”
“God leads whoever He wants to be disorientated. And whoever He wants He brings onto the straight way.” (al-An’am 6:39).
When one translates this verse with “God leads whoever He wants to be mislead,” then it will contradict with “Let him who will believe and let him who will reject” (al-Kahf 18:29) or “(Allah) guide you to the ways which the righteous have followed in the past.” (An-Nisa’ 4:26-27). And if God leads to disorientation or leads whoever He wants on the straight way, is it possible to reverse something that God has demanded?
To come together with the devil is not a purpose, it’s a result: “Then when they went wrong, Allah let their hearts go wrong.” (as-Saff 61:5). If we deviate, we give the devil an invitation and he comes.
Allah says this to: “And only the sinners He leads in disorientation.” (al-Baqarah 2:26). After all, God doesn’t lead into disorientation. The people mislead themselves and Allah verifies this deed. Therefore, the correct translation of this verse is so: “God lets one be disorientated, if one wants to be, and brings one onto the straight path, if one wants to be.”