Getting Education and Doing Science is Obligatory for Women too!
The orders in the Quran such as those related to reading (al-Alaq [96] 1), reflect upon the creation of the earth and the heavens [reflect upon earth and space] (Al Imran [3] 191), study the creation of human beings [biology] (al-Tariq [86] 5), look how the heavens were raised high [refect upon structuring space, galaxies, planets] (al-Gashiya [88] 18) includes women.
“Those … reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth…” (Al Imran [3] 191).
“Read in the name of your Creator Lord!” (al-Alaq [96] 1).
“…Are those who know equal with those who know not?…” (al-Zumar [39] 9).
If it is claimed that these orders are a religious duty only for men, then prayer salah, sawm (fasting), zakah (alms), which are used in the male form, would also be an obligation only for men. Therefore, doing science as the religious orders command, is an obligation for women too.
There is no distinction between religion and science in the Qur’an.
“And among people and moving creatures and grazing livestock are various colours similarly. Only those respect Allah, from among His servants, who have knowledge…” (Fatir [35] 28).
The scholars who are praised due to the context of the verse are those who study science, not religion.