Is Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) still alive?
Some fractions assert that Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) is still alive. Accordingly they are saying that he’s getting up and return the greetings (salams), reading the Quran in his grave, praying, that the practices of the Muslims are submitted to him every Thursday, he is even having intercourse with his wives. However, according to the Quran, the Messenger of God is not alive:
• “Say, “I am only a human like you…” (Fussilat 41:6).
• “You will die, and they will die.” (az-Zumar 39:30).
• “We did not grant immortality to any human being before you. Should you die, are they then the immortal?” (al-Anbiya 21:34 and Al Imran 3:144).
• “On the Day when God will gather the messengers, then say, “What response were you given?” They will say, “We have no knowledge; it is You Who are the Knower of the unseen.” (al-Maida 5:109, also 117).