According to the Quran it’s not a sin to use the left hand!
The tradition and narrations say that using the left hand is evil and an act of the devil. The Quran doesn‘t agree with this.
The terms about left and right in the Quran have no relevance to the hand (al-Balad [90] 19; al-Haqqa [69] 25; al-Waqia [56] 9).
According to the Quran it is not important which hand to use, but to eat clean and allowed (halal) things (al-Baqara [2] 168), not to waste (al-Isra [17] 27) and not to be unfair (al-Baqara [2] 188).
The devil doesn’t care if you use the left hand, but if you make and use ursury/interest then it is an act of the devil (al-Baqara [2] 275).
The Quran has given people the choice whether to use the left hand or not. After complying with the necessary hygiene and cleansing, the person should decide for himself whether to eat with his hands or feet (in exceptional circumstances).
The Prophet ﷺ said:
“When any of you eats, he should eat with his right hand, and when he drinks, he should drink with his right hand, for the devil eats with his left hand and drinks with his left hand”
Of course.. Clearly these people sadly have an agenda against Islam and use little tricks like this to deviate from Islam as they did with their own Bible..