“…Kill the idolaters wherever you find them…”!?
Some people show this verse to explain the topic of Islam and Violence. However, in order to understand the Quran correctly, one must check and read a few verses (Siyaq-Sibaq), before and after this verse to understand the context.
Who is this verse referring to? It isn’t referring to all idolators, but only to those who breach their oath at Hudaybiyah (Verse 1).
Why would such a reaction be shown? Then these idolators are such that have breached their oath (Verse 12) and have first attacked (Verse 13). It doesn’t automatically mean that you should kill them, if it is possible to catch them alive or they surrender (Verse 5). The Muslims are ordered to treat the polytheists that fulfill their contract with sincerity and to be just to them (Verse 4 and 7).
Some people take from the Quran only what they want to see, like extracting something with a pair of tweezers. You shouldn’t let them easily coax you 🙂