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Plucking Eyebrows is not Haram
The information that women who pluck their eyebrows or pluck the hair around them are cursed is not in the Quran, but in narrations.
First of all, it should be known that in Islam, the authority to determine halal and haram belongs only to Allah. No one else, including Muhammad, has the authority to impose haram (al-Araf [7] 32-33; al-Anam [6] 145; Kahf [18] 26; Yusuf [12] 40).
Although there are 17 cursed behaviours in the Quran such as slandering Allah, murder, and slandering chaste women (for example al-Maida [5] 64; an-Nisa [4] 93; al-Nour [24] 23), eyebrow plucking is not mentioned among them.
To present something as if it were in religion, even though it is not in the Quran, is to teach religion to Allah and to slander him:
“And do not say, “This is halal/permissible, this is haram/forbidden” to invent lies about Allah with the untruth of your tongues. Indeed, those who invent lies about Allah will not succeed.” (The Quran, an-Nahl [16] 116).
As a result, if practices such as plucking eyebrows, plucking facial hair, etc. were haram, they would definitely have to be included in the Quran. Since these are not included in the Quran, it is not possible for them to be haram.
Note: In order to argue that plucking eyebrows is forbidden, Satan’s expression, “…I will command them and they will change what Allah has created…” (The Quran, an-Nisa [4] 119) is cited as evidence.
First of all, it should be known that the context of this statement is related to the group of verses (najim) that deals with those who pray to some females/idols instead of Allah and their ascribing partners to Allah by taking the devil as their wali (authority) in addition to Allah (verses 116-121).
It can be said that changing God’s creation means changing the genes of beings, sanctifying beings and turning them into gods, making animals that can be used forbidden, and disrupting nature or the balance in nature.
However, it does not seem possible to say that those who have their eyebrows plucked have any intention of associating partners with Allah or disrupting the balance of nature.