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- 1) The Easiest Way from Istanbul Airport to City Center with Bus or Taxi
- 10 Tips on Time Management
- 2) The Cheapest Way from Istanbul Airport to Sultanahmet / City Center / Taksim with Metro and Tram
- A criminal research example in the Quran
- A glass of milk
- A good remedy to help alleviate persistent or chronic cough
- A punishment which is not in the Quran
and contrary to the Quran:
Rajm (Stoning) - A reverted/convert person doesn’t have to change his or her name
- A true muslim leader
- A very interesting grave stone of Captain Ibrahim Pasha in Istanbul
- Abu Lahab’s great opportunity
- According to the Quran it’s not a sin to use the left hand!
- According to the Quran there are rules that have to be followed about helping people.
- According to the Quran, a woman who is menstruating should fast and pray!
- According to the Quran, the sound of women’s voices in the presence of men is not forbidden
- According to the Quran, when is the beginning of Ramadan?
- According to the Quran, why do we have to fast?
- AI (Artificial Intelligence) Envisions Istanbul Through the Eyes of Famous Artists, Styles
- Allah forbids us to divide or be divided!
- American Indians & Islam
- An Old Jewish Village in Istanbul: Kuzguncuk
- An old wise tale
- Anatolian Fortress (Anadolu Hisari) in Istanbul
- Are religions responsible for wars?
- Are the bodies of people fasting dehydrated?
- Are the Prophets innocent / infallible?
- Are there More Women in Hell than Men? No
- Are women fitnah?
- Army and War Weapons in the Time of Prophet Muhammad
- As there is no gap, a mediator is not necessary!
- At the time of the Prophet there was no difference between the clothing of the Muslims and that of the polytheists
- Base Your Faith on Scientific Evidence!
- Basilica Cistern: Constantinoples Largest Underground Cistern
- Best Places to Buy SIM Cards in Istanbul
- Best Places to Buy Souvenirs in Istanbul
- Best things to do in Istanbul in 3 days
- Blessed mother
- British Architecture in Istanbul
- British Architecture in Istanbul
- Can a Muslim be forced to a worship?
- Can ancestry save you in the hereafter?
- Canoeing / SUP / Kayak / Water bike / Rowing Boat in Istanbul
- Context of the Verse: “Take What the Prophet Gives You.” (al-Hashr 7)
- Dajjal did not take part in the Quran!
- Dervish and sultan
- Did Davud/David (as) covet the wife of a soldier under his command?
- Distinguished features of Muslims
- Do Muslims have to follow a madhab (sect, Muslim school of law or fiqh) ?
- Do We Have to Obey Every Word of Muhammad (as)?
- Does God lead whoever He wants to be disorientated?
- Does Islam say anything about environmental protection?
- Does the Quran curse the Jews?
- Don’t forget to close the wells and holes
- Dreaming for Istikhara, is a practise without a base in Islam!
- Enjoy the Bosphorus from a Yacht in Istanbul
- Essential / Useful Tips for Tourists in Istanbul – Avoid scams – Don’t get ripped off – Worst tourist traps
- Every species which is exterminated is an extinction of one of Allah’s ayahs
- Evil does not come from Allah
- Fasting: What Is Fajr Time?
- Fishing story
- Free PDF Books and Articles
- Free Places / Attractions to Visit in Istanbul
- From Concubine to the Ottoman Queen: Hürrem Sultan (Roxelana)
- Full Tour: Everything about the Blue Mosque (Sultanahmet) in Istanbul
- Getting Education and Doing Science is Obligatory for Women too!
- God didn’t order Abraham to sacrifice his son!
- Grand Bazaar Istanbul: The bazaar where kings and queens shop and celebrities visit!
- Growing a beard is not a “fard” (Obligation) According to the Quran!
- Hakuin and the young girl
- Hole
- Hospital window
- How many angels spoke to Maryam (Mary)?
- How many people killed the camel?
- How Must Muslims React to Disrespect and Insults against the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad?
- Humans are not the most honored/honoured beings!
- Iftar (Breaking of the fast in Ramadan) in Istanbul
- Imam Ali’s answer to the unbeliever
- In Islam, no information is synonymous with the Quran!
- Is it allowed for Muslims to do yoga or meditation?
- Is it forbidden to be friends with non-Muslims?
- Is laughing forbidden in Islam?
- Is Making the Prophet Muhammad (as) a Judge, Making the Ahadith a Judge?
- Is Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) still alive?
- Is the Quran a cure for all diseases?
- Is the world a dungeon for believers?
- Is This Adam’s Tomb?
- Istanbul – The queen of cities (Youtube channel)
- Istanbul Ferries: Everything About Sea Transportation
- Istanbul Must See Districts: Arnavutköy
- Istanbul Must See Districts: Ortaköy
- Istanbul Public Transport Cards (Credit Card, Istanbulkart, Istanbul City Card)
- Istanbul Sea Transport App
- Istanbul Street Food
- Istanbul Tips for Tourists
- Istanbul: The City of Cats (Cats of Istanbul)
- It wasn’t his spouse that persuaded Adam, but the devil
- It’s an obligation to treat divorced women well
- It’s Not Haram to Keep a Dog!
- Kill the idolaters wherever you find them!?
- King and His Advisor
- Lam yalid wa lam yulad – (Quran, al-Ikhlas 112:3) Allah was never a child and He was never a father
- Lev Tolstoy: Please regard me as a Muslim…
- Little Hagia Sophia
- Loving a person or something like worshiping, is shirk (associating partners to Allah)
- Maher Zain – Number One For Me
- Mosque-Church and Synagogue Together in Istanbul (Kuzguncuk)
- Nietzsche and Islam
- Nightmare
- Noah’s Flood was Regional, not Global
- Nobody can be an Wakil (agent) of Allah!
- Non-Muslim Countries are Living Best lslamic Values
- Obedience to the Messenger is Obedience to the Qur’an!
- Only Allah Can Give a Fatwa
- Pearl of Istanbul: Kiz Kulesi (The Maiden’s Tower)
- Plucking Eyebrows is not Haram
- Podium of books
- Quran Pyramid (Content of the Quran)
- Quran verse posted at US Harvard University
- Quran, Ya-seen 36:39
- Rent a Yacht in Istanbul is Very Easy
- Road
- Rooftop Terrace Cafes in Istanbul (Suleymaniye)
- Self motivation tips
- Seven Hills of Istanbul
- Smile when God takes your picture
- Some of the Verses in the Quran, where Muhammmad (as) is praised and criticized
- Some of the Verses that Praise and Criticize the Ashab/Sahabah (Companions of the Prophet)
- Specialized Research Studies
- Sufi and sultan
- Taqwa: The only virtue by Allah
- Tawakkul (Trust in God): Before and now
- The Ahadith about al-ʿAshara al-Mubashshara are in contradiction with the Quran!
- The ant and the contact lens
- The archive of the best and smartest adverts
- The Christians from Najran were able to hold their Christian church service in the Prophet’s Mosque
- The Column of Constantine (Çemberlitaş) in Istanbul
- The Conditions of Islam are not 5, but as many as the Commandments in the Quran!
- The dream of the sultan
- The Easiest Ways From City Center to Istanbul (IGA) Airport
- The Easiest Ways from Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen (SAW) Airport to City Center [Insider Tips]
- The Form “Allah and His Messenger” Represents Only Allah, Not Two Separate Authorities
- The functions that the Masjid an-Nabawi fulfilled
- The German Fountain in Istanbul
- The greatest blessing in paradise is to meet Allah’s satisfaction of your deeds!
- The greatest sin: Shirk!
- The guitar was taken to Spain by the Arabs
- The Haunted Mansion (Perili Kosk) in Istanbul: Don’t Miss the Amazing View
- The Hikmah is Not in the Hadiths, But in the Quran
- The Man Who Steals The Rooster
- The Mathani (dual structure) Feature of the Quran
- The Milion (zero-mile marker) in Istanbul
- The Names and Attributes of the Quran
- The names of Allah (al-Asma al-Husna) are more than 99!
- The oldest church in Istanbul / Constantinople: Monastery of Stoudios (Imrahor Ilyas Bey Mosque)
- The Principles of Ruling in the Quran
- The Prohibition of Women Traveling Alone is Against the Quran
- The Quran Does Not Accept Original Sin
- The Quran doesn’t allow killing apostates (riddah, abandonment of Islam).
- The Quran doesn’t accept the belief that the first sin was committed by a woman!
- The Quran doesn’t allow beating women in any way!
- The Quran Forbids Child Marriage
- The Quran forbids worshipping paintings/statues, not making them!
- The Quran gave women the right to divorce
- The Quran has abolished slavery!
- The Quran Never Allows Honor/Honour Killings!
- The Quran Never Approves Female Circumcision/Genital Mutilation (FGM)
- The Quran states that no one is guaranteed paradise
- The Secrets of the Otoman Harem (Topkapi Palace – Istanbul)
- The statement that a woman cannot be a ruler or a head of state is contrary to the Qur’an!
- The stonebreaker
- The Sultan / ruler can’t possibly be the shadow of Allah!
- The Tomb of Grand Admiral Barbarossa in Istanbul
- There are three kinds of books / verses which muslims have to read: The Quran, the universe, the human
- Thief and saint
- Things to Avoid / Don’t do in Istanbul
- Those who are grateful here, Allah will thank them there.
- To follow the Messenger means to follow only the revelations (wahy)
- To read the Quran correctly, it is not the Tajweed that is obligatory, but the Tartil is an obligation!
- To remember me
- Turban, Tabard are Arabian Clothes, Not Islamic!
- Turkish Desserts You Need to Try!
- Turkish Soldiers Introduced Islam to Korea
- Useful Apps for Travel in Istanbul
- Very Important Recommendations / Warnings for Reverted Muslims
- Was Monk Bahira, Muhammad’s teacher?
- Was Prophet Muhammad (as) a pedophile? No
- Was Prophet Muhammad a seaman?
- Was Prophet Muhammad bewitched?
- Was the Universe Created for the Prophet/Muhammad (as)? (Lev Lake)
- Was woman created from the rib of the man?
- Were the first humans tall?
- What are the differences between Tawhid and Shirk?
- What could we do for a dead person?
- What does al-Fath mean?
- What does it mean “Be despicable apes?” (al-Baqara 2:65)
- What does jihad mean according to the Quran?
- What does Tawhid mean?
- What does the Quran say about Caliph and Caliphate?
- What does the Quran say about hadith?
- What Does the Quran Say About Houri (Heavenly virgin)?
- What does the Quran tell about seafood such as mussels and shrimps and prawns?
- What does the verse “Kill the unbelievers where you find them” mean?
- What Does the Word “Sunnah” Mean in the Quran?
- What has Abu Lahab about him?
- What is Allah’s rope?
- What is meant by sealed hearts?
- What is the meaning of Islam?
- What is the Pillar of Islam?
- What means “breathing dawn?”
- What says the Quran about Friday (Jumu’ah)?
- What says the Quran about the Mahdi?
- What to Wear in Istanbul? (Dress Code)
- Where to Swim in Istanbul?
- Which Acts of Muhammad (a.s.) Should We take as an example?
- Which Behaviors Does Allah Curse?
- Which of you is Muhammad?
- Whoever saves a life, it is as if he saved the whole of mankind
- Whoever…kills a person, it is as if he had killed all of humanity (Quran, al-Maida [5] 32).
- Why is ‘Huwa’, which is the masculine pronoun for Allah, used in the Quran?
- Why is pork forbidden in Islam?
- Why is the Quran in Arabic?
- World’s Second Oldest Subway / Tube / Metro is in Istanbul
- Yusuf Bonner: My journey to Islam