The Principles of Ruling in the Quran
The Quran didn’t bring any ruling form, including caliphate. The Quran brought timeless, and universal principles about ruling. The principles are:
1. Justice, neutrality, equal treatment (al-Araf [7] 29; al-Maida [5] 8, 42; an-Nahl [16] 90; an-Nisa [4] 58, 135; Saad [38] 22, 26).
2. Making decisions together through consultation (Shura) (Al Imran [3] 159; ash-Shura [42] 38).
3. Freedom of religion, conscience, expression (al-Baqara [2] 256; al-Anam [6] 107; al-Kafirun [109] 6; an-Nisa [4] 140; ash-Shura [42] 48).
4. Ensuring social justice and prohibition of waste (al-Araf [7] 31; al-Isra [17] 26; Ma’un [107] 1-7; ar-Rum [30] 38).
5. Preventing bribery (al-Baqara [2] 188).
6. Qualification of the officials (an-Nisa [4] 58, 59; az-Zumar [39] 9).
7. Education, science and research (al-Baqara [2] 44; az-Zumar [39] 9).
8. Being with the right and the righteous (Maruf), standing against wrong (Munkar) (Al Imran [3] 104, 110).
9. Preventing cheating in economy and trade (al-Isra [17] 35; al-Mutaffifin [83] 1-3; ash-Shu’ara [26] 181-183).
10. Accountability of the administrators (Al Imran [3] 161; al-Mumtahana [60] 12).