Very Important Recommendations / Warnings for Reverted Muslims.
We congratulate you on choosing Islam. May Allah accept you into his paradise. Please take these warnings into account.
— The greatest sin in Islam is associating others with Allah [Shirk] (The Quran, an-Nisa [4] 48, 116). Shirk means not only the worship of idols, but also, for example, the addition of authorities other than Allah, the addition of religious sources other than the Quran (The Quran, al-Kahf [18] 26; ash-Sura [42] 21; at-Tawba [ 9] 31), the deification of the ego (The Quran, al-Furqan [25] 43), to love something like worship to it (The Quran, al-Baqara [2] 165), etc.
— The only source for which all Muslims, including the Prophet, are responsible is the Quran (The Quran, al-Zukhruf [43] 44). Again, the best words [Ahsan al-Hadith] are the Quran (The Quran, az-Zumar [39] 23). However, hadiths are not 100% true words of Muhammad (as), but merely words attributed to him.
– We are obliged to follow only Muhammad as Messenger [Rasul], not Muhammad of Arabia or Muhammad the son of Abdullah (The Quran, al-Ahzab [33] 21). For the Messenger was subject only to revelation [Wahy] (The Quran, al-Anam [6] 50; al-Ahkaf [46] 9). Other sayings of the Prophet besides the revelations; the Companions of the Prophet, great scholars, Imams, majority etc., their views or actions are not sources or evidence in Islam (The Quran, al-Kahf [18] 26).
— The Quran and Muslim tradition are different things. The Quran brings timeless universal principles. The Muslim tradition glorifies the Arab culture of the 7th century. For example, these are not commandments of the Quran, but traditions: Polygamy, marriage with children, murder of apostates [Murtad], killing of those who do not pray, female circumcision, obedience to men, stoning [Rajm], presenting music and painting as forbidden, understanding jihad as war and killing…
— There is no such thing as an “Islamic name.” What is important is not that a name is Arabic, but that it does not contradict the principles of the Quran.
— The caliphate is only a political institution, not a religious one. Islam is not practiced in any of the countries that identify themselves as Muslim. Stay in your own country and value your country in terms of human rights and freedoms. Don’t cut ties with your family, friends, culture, identity and personality.
— Converted women are sometimes “used” just to go to a Western country. Be careful. Don’t marry the person who wants to marry you without knowing him long enough.
Final advice: The Quran is enough to learn your religion.