What says the Quran about Friday (Jumu’ah)?
“O you who believe! When the call for salah is made on Friday, stop shopping and run to the remembrance (dhikr) of Allah. It would be better for you if you knew.
When you have finished the Salah, disperse on the earth and seek the grace of Allah. Remember (dhikr) the words of Allah often so that you may attain salvation/happiness.” (Quran, Jumua [62] 9-10).
This worship is an obligation for women as well as men.
Friday cannot be a holiday. It is necessary to shop and work for the grace of Allah.
The dhikr of Allah is the book of Allah (al-Anbiya [21] 24; al-Hijr [15] 9). What is obligatory is not to recite a sermon (khutbah), but to chant and remember the Qur’an.
It is not easy to fulfill this task collectively, so it is beneficial. The expression “it would be better” is not used for any other worship other than this collective worship. Child breastfeeding, working conditions, quarantine etc. The person who cannot come due to reasons such as performing salah at noon instead of Friday (Prof. Dr. Abdulaziz Bayindir).
What is not in the Qur’an:
• Adam was created on this day, he was expelled from heaven and died on Friday.
• The most important/best day in sight of Allah is Friday.
• Those who read Surah Duhan on Friday/night will be granted a mansion in heaven.
• Friday is a blessed day.
• Friday is a holiday/feast day.
• The heart of those who do not perform Friday prayer 3 times without an excuse will be sealed.
• The last hour (Qiyamah) will happen on a Friday.
However, it should not be forgotten that performing salat on Friday is an order of Allah despite everything!