What says the Quran about the Mahdi?
* Mahdi wasn’t mentioned in the Quran. The alleged verses about the mahdi has nothing to do with him (al-Buruj [85] 3; al-Jumua [62] 3; al-Fath [48] 28; al-Qiyama [75] 9; an-Nur [24] 55; at-Tawba [9] 33).
* The root of the belief about the mahdi is based on Judaism and Christianity [Mashiach/Messiah] (Old Testament, Malachi 4:5; New Testament, Acts 1:11).
* It was the Kaysanite Shia Sect who brought the belief about mahdi to the Islamic Culture in the 7th century (Yusuf Sevki Yavuz, “Mehdi,” Diyanet Islam Encyclopedia (Turkey), XXVIII, 371).
* After the destruction of the Temple of Solomon, the Jews still await the coming of the Messiah who will rebuild this temple. According to Christians, the Messiah will come and rule for a thousand years.
* The authors of Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim and Muwatta didn’t write anything about Mahdi in their collections.
* Therefore according to the Quran it is not an obligation to believe Mahdi which took place afterwards.