Was Prophet Muhammad bewitched?
According to the narrations and traditional understanding, Prophet Muhammad was bewitched. According to this understanding, he supposed things which he imagined that he had done a thing when he had not done it, giving the effect of being bewitched. This effect continued for six months (al-Bukhari, Beginning of creation 11, Medicine 47; Ibn Majah, Medicine 45; Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Musnad, VI, 57, 63).
According to the Quran, those who allegate that Prophet Muhammad was bewitched, are the infidels and evildoers (al-Isra 17:47; al-Furqan 25:8). The allegation that the Messengers of God were bewitched would confirm this allegation of the unbelievers. Such an allegation would mean that some wrong knowledge might be mixed into the revelations (wahy) of the Quran. However, God told us that he will protect His messenger from humans (al-Maida 5:67), and that the Prophet wasn’t captivated by the daemons, thus he wasn’t bewitched (al-Qalam 68:2; at-Tur 52:29).
Therefore, according to the Quran it couldn’t be possible that Prophet Muhammad was bewitched.
Note: It was told that the revealing reason of chapters al-Falaq and an-Nas were bewitching of Prophet Muhammad in Madina. However, these two chapters were revealed a long time ago in Makka, thus before the Hijra.