What does the Quran say about hadith?
Hadith الحديث (p. ahadith) means news, word.
In various verses the Quran is mentioned as a hadith/word الْحَد۪يثِ (al-Kahf [18] 6; an-Najm [53] 59; at-Tur [52] 34; al-Waqiah [56] 81).
The Quran is the best hadith/word (Ahsan al-Hadith اَحْسَنَ الْحَد۪يثِ ), (az-Zumar [39] 23).
“This (the Quran) is not a fabricated word/hadith حَد۪يثًا .” (Yusuf [12] 111).
The Quran asks: “Which word/ hadith حَد۪يثٍ besides this, will they believe in?” (al-Araf [7] 185; al-Mursalat [77] 50; al-Jathiyah [45] 6).
Allah warns those with this question, “So leave Me to those who reject this word/hadith? الْحَد۪يثِۜ ” (Qalam [68] 44) who put fabricated words beside the Quran in the religion.