The Hikmah is Not in the Hadiths, But in the Quran
Hikmah are laws, rules and principles established to prevent cruelty and corruption (Ibn Manzur, Lisan al-Arab, H-K-M article.).
Hikmah is not something separate from the Quran:
“…Remember and think about the blessing of Allah upon you, and the Book and the Hikmah which He has sent down to you to admonish you with it (bihi بِه۪ۜ ).”
(The Quran, al-Baqara [2] 231).
If the book and hikmah were separate things, the plural “with them (bi-hima بِهِمَاۜ )” would have to be used instead of singular “with it (bihi بِه۪ۜ ).” Because the book and wisdom are not separate things, for this: with it (bihi بِه۪ۜ ).
Hikmah; It is one of the adjective names of the Quranic verses such as Kitab, Furqan, Bayan, Mizan, Nour. In other words, Hikmah is a feature of the Quran. The Quran also contains Hikmah (Look al-Isra [17] 22-39).
Hikmah is given not only to our prophet (nabi), but to all prophets (Al Imran [3] 81; al-Anam [6] 89), to the family / descendants of Abraham (an-Nisa [4] 54), to Davud (al-Baqara [2] 251), to Yahya (Maryam [19] 12) and Luqman (Luqman [31] 12) were also given Hikmah.
As a result, we can say that Hikmah is not something outside the Quran, but the rules and principles within the Quran.