04 August 2017

Is laughing forbidden in Islam?

Is laughing forbidden in Islam? From an Islamic point of view we draw the following conclusion - there is no objection against laughing.
20 October 2016

At the time of the Prophet there was no difference between the clothing of the Muslims and that of the polytheists

At the time of the Prophet there was no difference between the clothing of the Muslims and that of the polytheists.
17 September 2016

The Christians from Najran were able to hold their Christian church service in the Prophet’s Mosque

The Christians from Najran were able to hold their Christian church service in the Prophet’s Mosque.
22 May 2016

It wasn’t his spouse that persuaded Adam, but the devil

It wasn’t his spouse that persuaded Adam, but the devil.
12 July 2015

What has Abu Lahab about him?

What has Abu Lahab about him? Abû Lahab is a symbolical nickname.
15 January 2015

What does jihad mean according to the Quran?

Jihad has nothing to do with war, death or killing.
28 October 2014

How many people killed the camel?

How many people killed the camel?
26 May 2014

Kill the idolaters wherever you find them!?

"...kill the idolaters wherever you find them..."!? Some people take from the Quran only what they want to see, like extracting something with a pair of tweezers. You shouldn’t let them easily coax you :)